“M” are in rolul negativ pe Peter Lore ce il intruchipeaza pe Peter-Hans Beckert, un om cu grave probleme mentale, un ucigas de copii ce terorizeaza un oras intreg. In clipa in care politia se dovedeste neputincioasa, lumea interlopa ia asupra sa sarcina gasirii ucigasului. O poveste simpla despre lumea interlopa, despre politie si despre un om care tine un oras intreg ostatic. Totul fiind facut in cel mai pur stil noir si cu scene pline de suspans.
Atmosfera este rezultatul direct al cinematografiei si a efectelor luminoase. Este surprins haosul din mijlocul unui oras ce traieste in teroare zilnica. “M” ne spune mai multe despre efectele sociale ale criminalului in serie, decat despre criminal. Filmele moderne ce trateaza tema criminalului in serie, tind sa se concentreze asupra lui si nu asupra efectelor sale in societate. Crimele nu apar in mod direct pe ecran, toate actele de violenta sunt sugerate. Aceasta metoda are un impact mai mare asupra publicului. Scenele de la sfarsitul filmului ar trebui sa dea de gandit spectatorului in privinta drepturilor si a problemelor persoanelor bolnave psihic. Am putea zice ca e unul dintre primele filme de suspans psihologic (criminalul e schizofrenic), iar felul in care se termina filmul lasa loc de comentarii despre natura justitiei si despre cei care ar fi in masura sa o aplice mai bine. Un film clasic, pentru o seara clasica.
Hans Beckert: I can’t help what I do! I can’t help it, I can’t…
Criminal: The old story! We never can help it in court!
Hans Beckert: What do you know about it? Who are you anyway? Who are you? Criminals? Are you proud of yourselves? Proud of breaking safes or cheating at cards? Things you could just as well keep your fingers off. You wouldn’t need to do all that if you’d learn a proper trade or if you’d work. If you weren’t a bunch of lazy bastards. But I… I can’t help myself! I have no control over this, this evil thing inside of me, the fire, the voices, the torment!
Schraenker: Do you mean to say that you have to murder?
Hans Beckert: It’s there all the time, driving me out to wander the streets, following me, silently, but I can feel it there. It’s me, pursuing myself! I want to escape, to escape from myself! But it’s impossible. I can’t escape, I have to obey it. I have to run, run… endless streets. I want to escape, to get away! And I’m pursued by ghosts. Ghosts of mothers and of those children… they never leave me. They are always there… always, always, always!, except when I do it, when I… Then I can’t remember anything. And afterwards I see those posters and read what I’ve done, and read, and read… did I do that? But I can’t remember anything about it! But who will believe me? Who knows what it’s like to be me? How I’m forced to act… how I must, must… don’t want to, must! Don’t want to, but must! And then a voice screams! I can’t bear to hear it! I can’t go on! I can’t… I can’t…
Nota: 10.
Cheia mi s-a părut a fi momentul când avocatul apărării a spus că un om bolnav nu trebuie dus la călău ci la doctor.
Cheia este de fapt dilema/paradoxul acelei situatii.
Unde tragi linia intre cel bolnav cu adevarat si cel care o face pe bolnavul pentru a avea o scuza in privinta faptelor sale?